Jenny Jefferys
I love delivering Thermomixes. It is such a pleasure to see the excitement on new owners faces when a whole new world of is realised when they take delivery of their Thermomix. I know from experience the TM is going to change their lives in many ways.
I have had the pleasure of delivering Thermomixes into family's homes for 10 years. My customers range from families aiming to feed their families quick and easily, feeding family members with allergies, enjoying cooking and wanting to entertain their friends, to a broad range of chefs in Brisbane.
I was a Home Economics teacher and joining Thermomix was a simple decision for me. I love that I can combine my enjoyment for helping people, both my customers and the large team of Consultants who I support to success, achieve their food and cooking challenges. This often takes me to markets, the garden and always the Kitchen. Join me on this wonderful journey of reigniting your pleasure of cooking, or simply feeding the family easily.
I would be delighted to help you on your Thermomix journey.